This article was first published on Forbes, August 25th, 2020.
Welcome to the world where ideas have no boundaries. When you think about it, there never have been in a customer's mind. They only have a transfer of expectations: "I had a brilliant experience at the hotel check-out; I wish I had the same at my medical center."
Immortal ideas have long influenced our cultures and economies. The idea that "ideas don't die" was spoken into existence during the civil rights movement in the United States and has since been used as a call to action for businesses to stay on the cutting edge of consumer interest and profits. For the number of companies that rise and fall every year, the ideas that fuel them live on for the next bright entrepreneurial mind to reinvent them and bring them to life.
It would not be a surprise if Zoom were to buy an airline, a rental car company and pick up a coworking company along the way, with a Starbucks tie-up.
Extinction is an ideas issue, not a strategy issue.
• We know from CB Insights that 52% of S&P 500 companies have disappeared in the past 15 years.
• From 1964 to 2016, the average tenure of companies on the S&P 500 shrank from 33 to 24 years. By 2027, it is expected to shrink to just 12 years.
• In a 2017 PwC study, 56% of the CEOs anticipated a nonindustry player to disrupt them. The report also explains why consumers are willing to buy products and services from nontraditional players.
While companies have been disrupted, gone bankrupt or exited in some form of survival, the ideas they took to their customers still remain and have been made disruptive by other companies. The first aspect of agility is being at the intersections between industries, knowledge domains and aspects of the future of work. Disruptive companies are masters at these intersections. Here's why.
1. They look at an idea in its purest form, with no limitations or boundaries of industries, segments, categories or applications.
Consider Kodak — no, not the film side, but the company's pharmaceutical foray. What makes it easy for companies to cut across boundaries of industries and do things they have never done before? What makes a brick-and-mortar retailer disrupt health care services? Why would a space rocket group be a terrific electric vehicle manufacturer? Why are customers are willing to buy insurance policies from noninsurance companies?
It is only proper to begin with a nod to Elon Musk, the PayPal guy who created an electric vehicle company, solar-powered home systems and a reusable rocket that flew American astronauts on an American commercial spacecraft from American soil for the first time in almost a decade. There is the influence of a single idea across sectors he is disrupting, from creating interplanetary redundancies for humans to asserting that an autonomous car is safer than human driving or that a minimalist designed autonomous spacecraft is almost fail-safe.
2. They adopt technologies, acquire capabilities and build expertise in areas that seem dissimilar or not natural to their industry.
I put Dyson on par with Tesla when it comes to design. What is the connection between your smart home vacuum cleaner and an electric vehicle? The same asthat between a toothbrush manufacturer and dental insurance. Dyson made a splash entry into electric vehicles only to exit for an interesting reason. It believed that the entry barrier in the EV industry was low, meaning that any company could acquire this capability and compete. Tesla's Achilles' heel has been manufacturing; what if Tesla did not make its cars? What if it gave out its manufacturing but kept batteries and software to itself? This would probably make Tesla ramp up its sales and be a true definition of a platform business.
If a nonindustry company can adopt, adapt or absorb the right expertise, technology and capability, it will disrupt traditional well-established industry players.
In simple terms, Uber is an industry disrupter but not an original idea company. The idea or the need to have a car pop up when we want and wherever we want has been there since the beginning of taxi mobility. But Uber's ability to mix physical movement with an algorithmic platform fulfills the mobility need better than a traditional taxi model does, hence the disruption. Mobility is a capability, not a service or a product. This capability allows the company to follow through on the idea of delivery (of people or of food).
3. They reimagine how work is done and develop augmented talent, a seamless human and technology value proposition.
I consider the future of work to be a state in which six key elements come together seamlessly:
• Traditional full-time work by humans.
• Gig work focused on expertise done by humans.
• Robots (including drones), from warehouses to retail, hospitals, fast food, manufacturing, agriculture, etc.
• Process or service automation through robotic process automation.
• Smart interface (e.g., voice, virtual assistants, facial recognition) or wearable (AR/VR, embeddable) augmentation.
• Physical structure augmentation (e.g., exoskeletons).
If your company has any four of these six elements working together seamlessly, you can say that you are in a future-of-work state of the organization. The nature of strategic workforce planning changes from a productivity and capacity planning focus to reinventing how jobs are done focus. Ask the question, "How can this job be done differently using these elements?"
Unimaginative leaders are the greatest threat to the future of a company.
We spend a disproportionate time in awe of imagineers — Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk — in a desperate need to emulate. Instead, companies will do well to focus on two areas: identifying, recognizing and promoting leaders with imagination and imaginative concepts, and weeding out the blockers of imagination, especially at the top.
Consider this for proof: Twitter "killed" Vine, a well-received, short-form video app, only to realize that the same idea (this time in the shape of TikTok) is at the center of world attention today. It is now reportedly interested in acquiring TikTok.